Information for the treatment of personal data

of the Luckey Guest application user

NOTICE: The original document was written in Italian and is available here. This English version has been translated with Google Docs. The English version is a courtesy page. For any legal aspect, please refer to the original Italian version.


Data controller and data processed.

Pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 we inform you that the structure (company, hotel, hostel, B&B, restaurant, etc.) in which it is located and / or in which it will go in the future has installed a system of access to the premises through Smart Locks , special smart locks that, through a cloud platform , allow you to proceed to open the access gates to the rooms of the structure itself using credentials that are created through this application.

The aforementioned structure will then proceed to the processing of personal data consisting, in particular, of the Credentials as well as of the individual accesses, the latter with reference to the environments for which the Credentials are enabled as well as to the date and time in which they accessed the environments themselves .

The owner of the treatment of the data that is acquired and used is the single structure. In this consideration, the name and contact details of the data controller will be communicated to you by the structure itself, so that this information is aimed exclusively at informing you of the fundamental characteristics of the processing of your data.


Method and logic of treatment.

The personal data identified above will be processed, following the installation and use of this application, in an automated form, exclusively for the purposes strictly connected to the fulfillment of the contract and, therefore, for the creation of credentials for access to the environments and for its subsequent management.

The processing of such data will be based on the principles of lawfulness, purpose, transparency, correctness, quality, relevance and non-excess, in compliance with its fundamental rights and freedoms as well as its dignity, with particular reference to the protection of confidentiality and personal identity, as well as the right to data protection and will in no case be processed for the purpose of profiling your habits and behaviors.


Legal basis and nature of the provision .

The data will be processed, without the need for your consent, for the fulfillment of the contract you have concluded and, therefore, to allow the creation and management of the credentials necessary to access the rooms located inside the structure.

The provision of data that are requested through the installation and use of this application, as well as those acquired at the time of creation and use of the Credentials is in no way mandatory, but your refusal to provide them could prevent the structure from allowing you access to the rooms.

In any case, we would like to point out that you can prevent the acquisition of data by refusing to install the application or, in any case, proceeding, even subsequently, with the uninstallation of the specific functions of your smart device but, in this case, the owner of the treatment cannot be held responsible where you cannot access the rooms.


Communication and dissemination of data.

Without prejudice to what is foreseen in the context of the processing carried out for the fulfillment of the main contract that you have possibly concluded with the host structure, the data processed in the context of the application and for its specific purposes will not be disseminated or communicated, but will be put available to the data controller appointed to manage the access service to the individual rooms.

Your data will also be made available to the employees and collaborators of the owner and manager specifically authorized to process, educated and trained on the obligations and obligations deriving from the legislation on the protection of personal data.


Rights of the interested party.

You have the right to access your personal data as well as, in the cases provided for by current legislation, the right to request the correction, cancellation or portability of data with another owner, as well as request the limitation of treatment or oppose the same.


Complaint to the Guarantor .

It should be noted that the current legislation also allows you, where you believe there has been a violation of the relevant regulations, to propose reports or complaints to the supervisory authority of the EU State where you habitually reside, where you work or in which the violation occurred, for Italy, it is the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, for whose proposition you can consult the relevant indications on the website .